How Can I Find an Older Man That Has Similar Interests?

senior couple smiling small Elaine from Louisville asks:

“I am 53 years old, look younger and I also act younger than I am. I am interested in men older than me but most of the time they seem so elderly to me and look it to me. How do I find an older man that still has the same interest that I do (fitness, travel, activities, walking, swimming, etc.)?”


Hi Elaine:

This is a question that I often get from men too, “how do I meet a woman who is in her 50′s or 60′s but doesn’t act and look sooo much older?” Now it’s just a matter of getting men and women who feel this way in the same room! :)

What you need to do first is stop focusing on all the men who simply aren’t interested in becoming more active. Let them find women who don’t wish to stay active. If you focus on them, it will only increase your frustration.

Next, be open to the fact that some men would like to become more active but for better or worse, they are holding out to find an activity partner/girlfriend first. Just because he doesn’t currently go for bike rides three times a week doesn’t mean he wouldn’t love to. He may surprise you!

Third, create consistent opportunities to meet men who share your interests. And I mean lots of opportunities! It doesn’t count if you go out to one 55+ softball game a month, have a look around and leave. You want to max out your calendar and this means doing your research and creating a resource list of websites and other directories you regularly visit to find out what is happening in your city. Don’t let more than 5 days pass without creating a new opportunity to get around men who have the same values around fitness and activities as you do.


About Christine

Dating Expert & Relationship Coach, Christine has been working in the Dating Industry for over 12 years and is the founder of Your Date Coach Inc. She is Canada's only PAX Programs Licensee.
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